OUR VISION: Better Life, Better Leader, Better Church, Better World. (CBx4)
We provide customer tailored solutions to pastors, educators, and leaders for the healthy growth and development of their organizations. We call these solutions our "APPROACH". The difference with Church Builders is we come alongside the leaders of the organization to build a unique, climactic, and decisive plan around the interests, attitudes, and values of their existing team and current structure. We are not a quick fix. We provide ongoing support from an outside perspective that brings a powerful mix of accountability and commitment from the leadership and the leadership team.
OUR MISSION: Befriend, Encourage, Model, Challenge.
For years our team has been working inside and outside of churches,
schools, and businesses training leaders. Our experience, knowledge
base, and APPROACH model will bring you greater congruency, focus,
and clarity to the personal and professional roles to which God has called
you. Our strategic planning with you will allow you to implement the
same congruency, focus, and clarity to your team and congregation.
OUR CULTURE: A genuine love for Jesus Christ & a sincere love for people.
We are a Christian resource ministry for organizations. Our variety of APPROACHES have been servicing organizations since 1975. Church Builders began when a group of people, committed to serving Jesus Christ, organized to help churches equip their people for ministry. Since then, we have seen the Lord use our ministry to draw thousands of lives to Himself. We believe that the single most powerful agent of change in this world is Christian leadership. Successful leaders build core values of trust, responsibility, ownership, accountability, and leadership into their team. These values reverberate through the team into their family, community, and society at large ultimately establishing complete re-socialization and world view change. The end result is a better life, better leader, better church, and a better world!
A Unique, Climactic, & Decisive Approach To Building His Kingdom Come

We believe God is more interested in, and people are more impacted by maturity and character than ability and skill.
Click here to learn more about our APPROACH models.
A Unique, Climactic, & Decisive Approach To Building His Kingdom Come